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Best Car Colour in Canada: Which Colours Hold The Most Value?

Best Car Colour in Canada: Which Colours Hold The Most Value?

When purchasing a new car, there are a lot of crucial factors to take into account. As a result, you might not be giving colour any thought. However, a car's colour is more significant than you might realise. We'll go over some colour statistics in this post to assist you in choosing the best colour for your new car.

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Does Colour Affect a Car's Value?

Something which you may not have considered is that colour can affect the resale value of the car. This is because some colours are more in demand than others.


The most valuable colours for a car are the most popular ones. Colours such as black, white and silver. The reason is that these are safe colours nobody will be put off a car because it's black or white, but they might if it’s green or yellow.



You might not have realised that the colour of the car can affect its resale value because some colours are more sought-after than others. Black, White, and Silver are the most popular and precious colours.


Because black and white are considered safe colours, people won't be turned off by them as much as they might be by green or yellow.


Even though it is illogical for it to be a reason to pay less for a car because colour has no bearing on performance, not all automobile sales are rational, and the guidelines are not always clear.


People anticipate certain automobile companies' trademark colours, such as BMW's blue or Ferrari's red.


How Does Car Colour Affect Maintenance?

Although colour has no impact on performance, this does not imply that colour has no practical significance. In actuality, certain colours require less upkeep than others.


For instance, black paint will get significantly hotter than any other paint colour and will make any holes or chips in the paint quite evident owing to the great contrast with the metal underneath.


White, on the other hand, is significantly more difficult to clean because it will highlight any dirt or grime on the car.


Because of these numerous aspects, beige or tan is actually the most efficient automobile colour. If efficiency is what you're wanting, beige may be the right choice. However, that might not be your personal best car colour!



Biege Toyota Corolla

Biege Toyota Corolla


Does Car Colour Affect Safety When Driving?

There's some information on the internet that claims that "black is the most deadly car colour" because it is harder to see in the dark than any other colour, which makes sense.


The results of the actual research conducted in this area, however, are far from convincing because the danger associated with each colour—measured as the annual percentage of crashes—seems to be inversely related to its level of popularity. suggesting that the fact that there are more black automobiles is the primary cause of the increase in collisions involving them.


It's all a balancing act since black naturally changes from being the least to the most visible colour during the day.


That's all we've got. Hopefully, you now know the best car colour for your next purchase! If you need more help, get in touch with us and we'll help you decide. Thanks for reading!


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    Categories: Car Buying